It's been an overworked year and 4 days. There's been learning, joy, laughter, pain, tears and suffering involved. Growing up's hard work; I want the simple life: living off and giving back to the magically regenerating abundance of Nature, appreciating sunrises and sunsets, marking time by the seasons, knowing weather patterns by looking at clouds. The rural dweller in me is yearning to get out of a design- sweatshop job with over-long hours devoted to the blinding computer screen and an over-reliance on technology. I need to plan my route out. To work with my hands. To make, to create with love, to go for walks, to breathe the fresh air and smile. Yes, by George, I will do that indeed.
The 2010 ikea cataloge is out. Much happiness from cheap furniture porn.
The 2010 ikea cataloge is out. Much happiness from cheap furniture porn.