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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"If the oyster is opened carefully, the diner is eating an animal with a working brain, a stomach, intestines, liver, and a still-beating heart. As for the 'liquor', that watery essence of oyster flavour that all good food writers caution to save, it is mostly oyster blood."
- Mark Kurlansky, The Big Oyster. History on the Half Shell.


I embark on a brand new journey tomorrow - a new job. Will probably not relish being the noob around - I blame this aversion to socialise on being an only child. But. The Gemini in me will supplement the necessary pleasantries. I want this to be an environment I will grow in, and to learn and to give a lot back to in due course. Am hoping for the best, obviously, but will prepare for the worst since I already know about that. pile. of. stuff. that's waiting to get sorted and worked through before the two-week deadline for the printer's. I placed it there myself last night.

There is a brand new iMac set up for me at the office, and I've got my key card. All awaiting their new beginning. Cue wondering / wanderings about old beginnings. An old beginning would definitely have to be this here kaka snack, if I'm to be asked. As a wee (spoilt rotten) kid, I loved me a pack of these usually lao hong goodies i.e. softened by humidity. (Thanks, Stellou for bringing this word back into my daily vocabulary!)

Found this while skulking around today [thanks, Tym], and it made me smile. My beloved Garamond was not featured - am considering whether I should be glad about this or not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO. Baskerville Old Face and Bookman Old Style remind me of the two grumpy old men from the Muppet Show.

August 15, 2008 1:56 am  

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