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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It was, apparently, Gummy Worm Day in the USA on the 15th of July - today! [via here] What a shame, because I'd nearly bought myself two packs of gummy bears today while at the polyclinic, but thought to myself, ' Nah, I won't give in to temptation. For once.' Would've been so. stoked. to be munching on a gummy bear while I discovered what day it was today. I prefer gummy worms mostly, if you ask me, but a pack of HARIBO Gold Bears will win hands down any day.

Don't I just lurve the way that worm leaves a sickly sweet smell literally in my nostril? I don't like the orange ones - bears and worms alike. I figured that's a safer way to stick a gummy worm in my nose - at both ends, so we don't accidentally snort and inhale the whole damn thing down our windpipes. One day, sometime, when I grow up, I'm gonna do me some serious stuff.

And, now that I'm aware of it, I shall definitely be celebrating S'mores Day on 10th August. So nice to have days like these to look forward to. I'm imagining a dreary office scene that gets zinged! by a tray of candy, according to whatever it is on the candy calendar.


Blogger Molly said...

omg gummi bears are AWESOME! i had no idea they had their own day, i'll have to go buy some

July 16, 2008 6:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I LLLUURRRRVE the orange ones! Gimme!

August 15, 2008 1:54 am  

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