i have recently noticed that
the supermarket queue i join nearly always turns out to be the slowest-moving. some item belonging to a woman a few places in front will not scan properly, or someone prefers to pay by credit card, and the card-reader get jammed and times out.
on a 2-lane road, the lane i'm on always turns out to be slower because of an obstruction, or a driver waiting to turn right at the traffic light.
after reading LMD's post on her horrendous haircut, i am craving for a haircut myself. except my hair is too short to do anything worthwhile with at the moment.
with the onset of winter, i am drinking more water to justify boiling more water in my plastic 1.8litre kettle, just so i can hug the hot kettle while i work. i know a hot water bottle will help, but it's just not the same as a huge kettle.
i like taking long walks on sunny afternoons. back in singapore, it would have to be at least past 8pm that i'd be persuaded to take a walk outside for longer than 10minutes.
there is so much steam in the bathroom after my bath that i'd choke if i took too deep a breath.
the book i intended to read during the train ride to/from the city almost never gets read.
i don't care much for what's on tv, besides CSI:NY.
my parenting instincts are not at all well developed. i avoid toddlers like the plague and i'd much rather have a puppy.
in stark constrast to the lack of parenting skills, my abilities at procrastinating have increased tremendously. the graduate research conference is 4 days away, and i'm thinking yay. i'll get started tomorrow. the studio's the worst place to be in, because everyone else is printing, pasting, typing and editing away. me? hey, i have a life, y'know.
that's dart the frog, and hedgehog contemplating some red m&ms, because S suggested they tasted better!
on a 2-lane road, the lane i'm on always turns out to be slower because of an obstruction, or a driver waiting to turn right at the traffic light.
after reading LMD's post on her horrendous haircut, i am craving for a haircut myself. except my hair is too short to do anything worthwhile with at the moment.
with the onset of winter, i am drinking more water to justify boiling more water in my plastic 1.8litre kettle, just so i can hug the hot kettle while i work. i know a hot water bottle will help, but it's just not the same as a huge kettle.
i like taking long walks on sunny afternoons. back in singapore, it would have to be at least past 8pm that i'd be persuaded to take a walk outside for longer than 10minutes.
there is so much steam in the bathroom after my bath that i'd choke if i took too deep a breath.
the book i intended to read during the train ride to/from the city almost never gets read.
i don't care much for what's on tv, besides CSI:NY.
my parenting instincts are not at all well developed. i avoid toddlers like the plague and i'd much rather have a puppy.
in stark constrast to the lack of parenting skills, my abilities at procrastinating have increased tremendously. the graduate research conference is 4 days away, and i'm thinking yay. i'll get started tomorrow. the studio's the worst place to be in, because everyone else is printing, pasting, typing and editing away. me? hey, i have a life, y'know.
that's dart the frog, and hedgehog contemplating some red m&ms, because S suggested they tasted better!