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Saturday, August 04, 2007

The other night, I had the misfortune to catch a glimpse of a guy wee-ing on the steps leading up to the doorway of one of the galleries near RMIT's Storey Hall. And the very next day, I saw this group of kids sitting on those same steps, talking and laughing and completely unaware of what they were sitting on. And it occurred to me how often we might unknowingly sit at a spot with dried-up pee or puke. Of course, this is where I prostrate myself before the heavens for washing powder and the modern conveniences of washing clothes, but I cannot shake the feeling of inadvertently, having sat on something I'd normally make a huge detour to avoid in its fresh state.

I value the cleanliness of my clothes. But that's just me being prudish, anal, and paranoid, I suppose.


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