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Thursday, February 15, 2007


i am in the midst of creating a horcrux. the durable visual record is splitting my soul, and a bit of it will be stored in the words and efforts of the artifact. if it is preserved, a part of me will live on. used for the safekeeping of a fragment of my soul, i will be severely weakened if the artifact were to be destroyed.

and there is a deadline for the torturous process to come to an end, and that's a grand ol' 6 weeks away. and oh, doesn't the clock tick so.

one of the supervisors have suggested creating a research blog. i've resisted this idea for many months now, partly because i didn't want everyone and anyone to see just how silly i really was. but now, it's up for all and sundry to see, and comment, and, perhaps, ridicule? here it is.

it is a bold step for a person often accused (they're right, i know) of being too secretive. or inarticulate. or both.

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