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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


via LMD.

yeah. i dig making lists. they're very insightful. sometimes i'm not even certain of myself til i see what's on my own list!

Seven dreams before death
1. have a beach hut fronting the pacific ocean
2. get my boat licence
3. own a really luxurious, wood-panelled boat
4. observe a wiccan sabbat in scotland
5. live for several years on an orchard, and celebrate the harvest
6. be an acclaimed designer
7. finding a pearl in an oyster

Seven things I can’t do in this lifetime
1. make edible scrambled eggs
2. be near a cockroach without going into convulsions
3. perform magic
4. make homemade ice-cream
5. dance gracefully
6. write a meaningful song/poem
7. live in a commune for more than a week at a go

Seven things that attract me
1. originality
2. the ability to make me laugh
3. a smile
4. sunlight
5. green grass and fluffy white clouds against an azure blue sky
6. a sense of responsibility
7. blue-green waters lapping against soft white sand

Seven things I say
1. omigosh!
2. wahlau!
3. how come like that?!
4. you win!, or i win!
5. chiquitita, tell me the truth
6. chocoLAAAAT for meeeee...!
7. dunno

Seven books that I love
1. that babarpapa series from childhood (created by some frenchie)
2. the 6 harry potter books so far (jk rowling)
3. the soundscape (r. murray schaffer)
4. the practice of everyday life (michel de certeau)
5. the sandman series (neil gaiman)
6. the witching hour; the the vampire armand (anne rice)
7. city: rediscovering the centre (william h. whyte)

Seven movies that I’ve loved
1. spirited away (hayao miyazaki/studio ghibli)
2. hilary and jackie (anand tucker)
3. be with me (eric khoo)
4. gosford park (robert altman)
5. eight femmes (francois ozon)
6. kung fu hustle (stephen chow)
7. immortal beloved (bernard rose)
8. nightmare before christmas (tim burton)
yeah, i know, that makes it 8 now...

Seven tags
anyone's free to do it.... get cracking!


Blogger kachuaz said...

2. be near a cockroach without going into convulsions

eh eh...what is that line suppose to mean ah?

*taps feet*

April 19, 2006 9:51 pm  
Blogger limegreenspyda said...

kachuaz: sorry lah... i've always been squeamish even about typing your nick! and those flying ones freak the hell out of me!

but. you're not one of those brown insects with horribly long feelers, prickly, hairy legs and that awful yellow line across, are you? :)

April 19, 2006 10:50 pm  
Blogger brama said...

I say, "how come like that?" very often too.

I've just tagged you for another meme.

April 20, 2006 8:29 am  
Blogger limegreenspyda said...

jettykey: yay! will get started on it! thanks! :)

April 21, 2006 10:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never heard you say this: "you win!, or i win!" ...why is that? *puzzled* Is it new?

And why can't you make edible scrambled eggs? 0_0''

April 22, 2006 3:13 am  
Blogger limegreenspyda said...

maoie: don't i say that? or maybe i say "win lor"? dunno.

my scrambled eggs never resemble anything decent. for some reason or other. it's all very disappointing and disturbing at the same time. :(

i make smashing mussel stew, though! heh!

April 22, 2006 4:55 pm  

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