
i got crafty this weekend, and set my heart on some DIY screen-painted t-shirts. couldn't help showing off just a bit... this page has it all! i bow m(_ _)m to Kristy. eternally grateful, i am.
edited to add:my lovely flatmate wants the credit for the design of the t-shirt: the jagged rays of the rising sun, right down to the choosing of the sumo theme. i just did all the menial labour of tracing out everything in adobe inDesign and onto the sheer material. and screening it onto the t-shirts.
always harboured a secret desire to be a well-known designer for a street label. clothes, stickers, skateboards... the works! how do those guys always churn out stuff like that, i wonder. my sense of fashion is straightlaced, boring. i'm a t-shirt and jeans kinda girl, a person of few colours, and even fewer accessories. red, blue, gray, black and white. as they say, clothes maketh the (wo)man. i sometimes wonder what others can tell about me from my clothes.
besides apparel, shoes and accessories, the other essential i cannot leave home without is usually a bag. i change bags frequently (just between 4 different ones right now), and the reason i am usually running late for meetings has finally dawned on me. TOO MUCH JUNK i insist on carrying with me!
stuff i usually have stashed in my slingbag
01. wallet
fat. not with notes, but freaking heavy aussie coins!!!
and receipts.
and an endless array of cards. 3 bank cards, student card, student security pass, coffee loyalty card, 3 public library cards, a plaster for emergencies, driver's license, medibank card, 2 membership cards to separate DVD rental shops, fly buys (another loyalty programme over here), 1 metpass (train ticket).
gosh! all these just off the top of my head. who knows what else lurks inside my obese wallet? the same one i've used for the last 8 years. wow.
02. sketchbook + pen
had the sense NOT to get myself a hardbacked sketchbook. doesn't look as cool or design-ah, but hell, it adds waaaay less weight. hate to be without it, in case i see something, or have a brilliant thought. but half the time, it doesn't happen. :/
03. a book to read
i try to steer clear of heavyweights like War and Peace. or Harry Potter, for that matter. usually, just stuff i read through for research and ideas. design magazines are printed on 120gsm paper, hence usually too heavy for normal bringing-around. plus, i'm particular about the state of my design mags.
04. my oversized bunch of keys
hate it! the keys to my house, mailbox, outdoor storage, car, wheel-lock, postgrad studio. phew.
05. sweets
to ward off bad breath. and to add to my daily sugar intake. usually m&m's or gummy snakes.
06. water
heavyweight champion. i hate to carry the bottle around, but water's good for health and the wallet.
07. my Creative MuVo
realised 512MB ain't much, after all. but i need my music piped in a good amount of the time i'm on public transport. it's nice to have it blasting when i walk, too.
08. my Olympus digicam
for random arty-farty shots. i am shameless.
09. lip balm, eye-moisting drops
probably my only form of cosmetic care.
10. beanie + scarf
the cold scares me. *shudders* oh, and gloves too, these days.
11. oddments, various assortments
some bits of string, a button, a scrap of napkin from some cafe with something scribbled on it, and a shell. don't ask why.
that took awhile. it's no wonder i've been having backaches.
what's in your bag?
Hey, you didn't mention handphone. LOL.
My bag is relatively crowded too.. what with handphone, wallet, makeup pouch (for what I dunno 'cos I don't make up), camera, TISSUES, sweets, keys, organiser, magazine, and some last minute trash I think I would need.
Very un-ergonomical bag.
Heh. I have that problem with receipts too. I have receipts in my wallet from like...January >_<
yours starrily: i gave handphone a long thought, though, but since i'm usually a jeans sorta girl, i reckoned the handphone belonged more in my pocket than in my slingbag. so, yeah... it's hard to locate a ringing/vibrating handphone in a crowded bag like mine! haha!
we have pretty much similar handbag stuffings!
maoie: do you just forget to clear them out, or do you consciously keep them in the wallet in case you need to exchange goods, etc? heh. i remember helping you with your killer bag once - it's enough to make me become a few cms shorter!
wallet, camera, handphone, lip balm, keys. that's it!
well, if i wear my spectacles, then my specatcles cloth.
if i'm going to work, my work pass and train/bus pass.
if it's summer, sunglasses.
otherwise, just those 5 key items.
wallet, book, sunglasses, lipstick, and phone that now smells of garlic thanks to cooking while on talking to my mom.
It's not a conscious effort to keep them...I just put receipts in my wallet along with change or the card I paid with...but the habit has come in handy when I had to return something!
I really don't know what makes my bag so heavy. I don't carry a lot of stuff. Handphone, keys, Xiao Xun, wallet, card case, planner/notebook, pencils/pens, maybe a powder compact..that's about it.
Though, today, it also houses your -signed- Gaiman books...
That's a lot of stuff in your bag. I like to keep my trim and lean, wallet, keys, wet wipes /napkins, pen, hairbands. But then, when there's an emergency and I need stuff... sigh, I wish I hadn't cleared my bag.
you have lots of things in your bag.. mine too.. brolly, hp, wallet, card case, lip balm, mp3 player.. keys.. and lots of old receipts haha i just dump them in my bag.. hehehe
Wallet, key cum coin pouch, cigarette pouch, handphone, tissue, lip gloss, name cards (optional if i'm carrying a small bag), hand cream (ditto).
wallet, smaller pouch that houses ezlink card, money, beans loyalty card, atm card, etc, emergency *shit it's that time of the month already?!* bag, cigs, lighter, cd player (ya ya, i'm still living in the land of yore), staff pass, folded up journal that has seen better days, pda, phone (on the strap), house keys.
oh, btw, i need the flat mate's bro's hp no. still haven't passed him his stuffs yet! *hangs head*
The shirt is uber cool! Props to your hsemate! Any plans on shipping some of those lurvley shirts to ur fans in Singas?
not carrying too many things means having no bag at all, stuffing digicam cash keys phone lighter lipbalm into jeans pockets.
walking around without a bag will give you a sense of freedom - try it =]
I got a couple of similar stuff that you have in your bag...
1. Fat wallet filled with coins
2. Pen and writing pad
3. My trusty MuVo 256MB! (unlike urs 512!)
4. My Keys
and the most impt of all
5. my ciggies! haha
elmo: lucky you! i can't wear my contact lenses here in melbs... my eyes get too dry! miss having specs-free eyes, though. can't wait to get back to singas! when're you going back?
lauren: were you trying to get a recipe off her, thus cooking and talking at the same time? :D
maoie: thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!! *kisses maoie profusely* can't wait til you get your ass here! and it's NOT only cuz of the gaiman books!!!!! miss ya!
anna: i know what you mean... there is usually regret after occasions of bag-clearing for me too.
fat fingers: wahahahah!!!! you've got a brolly???? firstly, it's very auntie, but dead useful. secondly, it's for poking dick, right? :)
LMD: i picture you to be the kind that carries those tiny, lady-like little bags. the dainty kind?
la scorpy: CD player?? too heavy! and awww, so sweet, still got a folded-up journal... anything incriminating?
pink bik: finally! a word from you! haha unfortunately, no plans of shipping yet... but i've thought of mass-producing them for sale at a stall at those craft weekend markets! right now, that's still what it is: a thought.
kitty: it's like bra-burning for liberation, ain't it? i tried not carrying a bag and stuffing necessities down my jeans pockets. i think it only works if i'm wearing baggy/loose-fitting jeans that day, but yeah. i feel very liberated! haha! good feeling to have!
pangster: wah. very spare. amazing how guys get by with so little in their bags!
no lah. my folded up journal is a scientific journal article. nothing incriminating at all. sorry to disappoint :)
la scorpy: pah. booooorrrring! ;D
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