Am craving for a cuppa corn soup from MOS Burger. This bodes well for my imminent homecoming, or so I'd like to think. Packing and selling and throwing out stuff that's been part of my life for the last three years is the most dreaded part. But dreaded parts come, whether you want them or no; I am pitifully swamped with packing now.
This decision feels right, deep down, much as I'll miss Melbs.
But not VegeMite.
Independence has been fun; now, back home to close proximity with friends and family.

iTunes is shuffling me a healthy dosage of Nine Inch Nails this arvo: first, I Do Not Want This, then Piggy, then Somewhat Damaged all in the span of the last half hour. Wonder if iTunes is trying to make a point somewhere. Or if that point is tacitly existing. Oh, now I've got Franz Ferdinand. This proves it - the point is that there isn't one.
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot away from you
Back in those days I'd fervently skip AutoCad classes, content to scrape through that module with a pass. This progressed into the next semester, where, if it was possible, I'd skip 3D Studio Max classes with even more fervour than with AutoCad before. So now, it all comes full circle to bite me in the ass. Concept-wise, it is moving along. But there is no way to communicate those ideas effectively when, sometimes, that ink-and-paper sketch just doesn't cut it.
Will be burying my nose in some CAD books right now, in self-imposed purgatory. Amidst all the packing.
Isn't life *just* peachy? I mean, what's not to love?

To sweeten the deal, I am currently enjoying stuff from the Treasure Trove at Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre.
Perfect for a shallow grave!
Indeed. I concur.
Here are some funny Japanese men torturing themselves on a game show involving a large rubber band and marshmallows. Just so they can have a laugh at themselves. Grotesque but oddly hilarious. I didn't know whether to look away, cringe or cackle til I was breathless, so I did all three.
They are helping with the packing. Really.
This decision feels right, deep down, much as I'll miss Melbs.
But not VegeMite.
Independence has been fun; now, back home to close proximity with friends and family.
iTunes is shuffling me a healthy dosage of Nine Inch Nails this arvo: first, I Do Not Want This, then Piggy, then Somewhat Damaged all in the span of the last half hour. Wonder if iTunes is trying to make a point somewhere. Or if that point is tacitly existing. Oh, now I've got Franz Ferdinand. This proves it - the point is that there isn't one.
I'm just a cross hair
I'm just a shot away from you
Back in those days I'd fervently skip AutoCad classes, content to scrape through that module with a pass. This progressed into the next semester, where, if it was possible, I'd skip 3D Studio Max classes with even more fervour than with AutoCad before. So now, it all comes full circle to bite me in the ass. Concept-wise, it is moving along. But there is no way to communicate those ideas effectively when, sometimes, that ink-and-paper sketch just doesn't cut it.
Will be burying my nose in some CAD books right now, in self-imposed purgatory. Amidst all the packing.
Isn't life *just* peachy? I mean, what's not to love?

To sweeten the deal, I am currently enjoying stuff from the Treasure Trove at Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre.
Perfect for a shallow grave!
Indeed. I concur.
Here are some funny Japanese men torturing themselves on a game show involving a large rubber band and marshmallows. Just so they can have a laugh at themselves. Grotesque but oddly hilarious. I didn't know whether to look away, cringe or cackle til I was breathless, so I did all three.
They are helping with the packing. Really.
yay!! another beer buddy! treat u to all the tsingtao beer when u're back!
Hey Spyda!
Good luck with the packing!
That video was too funny!!
aiyo.. soooper funny! can die! :D but must give warning.. i was having my dinner while watching it.. not the most appetizing of sights!
yh: yay! i'm looking forward to all the tsingtao i can drink without hurling! and also, chicken wings! :D see you soon!
yh: oops, i meant to say, i'll buy the chicken wings while you get the beer!
fat fingers: long time no see! :) thanks, the packing is a neverending business. everytime i think i'm done, some other miscellaneous item pops itself up! such a nightmare, i tell ya!
so, thanks for the well-wishes! i need them.
anonymous: judging from the time you're having your dinner, i might hazard a guess for your identity. heh. yes, the happy sleuth, i am.
but i warned you! that it was hilariously grotesque - i did! so, did you have to clean any of your dinner out from your keyboard? ;)
haha :) i had to leave comments as anonymous coz i cannot remember my blogspot password and i couldn't be bothered to do the 'forgot password' thang.. :D
so who am i? ;)
and no, no dinner spills on the keyboard whatsoever..
anon: who else would say thang lor... :D and be too lazy to check out your password even though you had/have an account! which you don't use anymore! no updates since... 2 years ago? what was your blog name? big fluffly white clouds or somethang? ;)
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